Chicken Breast Fillet | 1kg


Fresh, meaty, and boneless, the Chicken Breast fillet consists of fleshy parts from the breast. It has natural juiciness and a chicken aroma, making it a great staple ingredient for easy and fast home-cooked meals. Be it breaded, cooked with your favorite creamy sauce, fried in a pan, or baked, chicken breast fillet is a chicken part that won’t let you down


Enjoy the versatility, tenderness, and delicious goodness of our Chicken Breast fillets distributed by Magnolia, a trusted brand in the country!

Boneless and flat, chicken breast fillets are a versatile cut when carving them into smaller pieces of tender and flavorful Chicken Cordon Blue or breaded chicken. Enjoy breaded chicken without wasting too much time in the kitchen, as this part easily gets cooked! Heat quickly permeates it internally and moves to its surface, producing a delicious-looking brown crust. Consider deglazing it with wine, butter, or stock for a yummier serving!

Chicken breast is a popular and nutritious food that can provide several potential health benefits, including:

  1. High in Protein: It’s a good source of high-quality protein, which is essential for building and repairing tissues in the body.
  2. Low in Fat: It’s a lean meat that is low in fat, particularly saturated fat, making it a healthier protein option for those watching their fat intake.
  3. Rich in Nutrients: Chicken breast contains essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamin B6, vitamin B12, zinc, and iron, which are important for maintaining overall health and wellness.




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